Degroof Petercam partnered with the Joana Vasconcelos Foundation to hold an international conference in Lisbon. To highlight the way an art collection is created and maintained, with the contributions of Guta Moura Guedes, João Pinharanda (Director at the MAAT Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon) and (visual artist) Joana Vasconcelos.
«Art is a passion that deserves to be well managed». This was the starting point that brought together figures from the national and international scene in Lisbon to reflect on the emerging values of contemporary art. In the space of Atelier Joana Vasconcelos, in Docas de Alcântara in Lisbon, more than a hundred people gathered to think about what an art collector does at a time when the market itself is fastly changing.
Facing the future, Eugenie Dumont (Art Advisory Manager at Degroof Petercam), Carlos Lucena (Founding Partner and Chairman of the Board of Directors at TELLES), Sabine Plattner (Senior Wealth Manager at Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg) also contributed to the perspective “ Art, an asset that must be carefully managed across generations”.